Remembering 9-11 and a French Tight Rope Artist

My mind was blown away, and a consciousness of incredible power was affirmed as I watched a video recapitulate French high wire artist, Philippe Petit, walk between the roofs of NYC's Twin Towers in the year 1974. The image of Petit, 1368 feet off the ground walking on a rope between the roofs of the WTC towers, also provoked images of 9/11 when those buildings were smashed in a terrorist attack. Petit's love of balance and self-control allowed him not only to defy the fear of plunging a quarter mile into the streets of NYC, but also allowed him to feel the reality of astonishing determination; a bravery that was also picked up on by the many people who worked to save lives after the 9/11 attacks. The buildings that lure are gone, but not the impact on humanity. We struggle to be more alert. We recognize the power of thought. And, when I watched Philippe Petit jump on that wire swaying between the Twin Towers, I realized he was focused on the now. His goal was not primarily to reach the north tower, but to enjoy every step of his walk. Petit made 8 crossings. The day of 9/11 does bring up memories for many and that process of remembering can be like walking a fine line. We want to walk with the correct tools. Anger and prejudice do not remember well, and tumble off into fear and frustration. However, the love of balance, self-control, and bravery remembers well, in a way that astonishing determination and incredible power become reality.